A Tax Code Designed to Bankrupt You
Tag: Authored by digittante
Dyak dinners and funky fiction
Imagine the irony if her homework assignment was on the Freedom of Speech
The Boy Scouts get another lesson in rejection
A relief bill for bill relief
The Terrible Secret of Space
A dead link with links
I'd rather burn a $100 bill, than do this to one
Now we can all write like McSweeney's
Imagine if Amazon.com sold news, not books
Impenetrable sales and marketing gobbledeegook or savant-speak?
A cubic foot of pennies for your thoughts?
Would you pay £17.99 to read about how these narcissists spent $120,000,000 in 1 year?
Just yesterday, my house was buzzing with microscopic black helicopters
Texas enforces plain bass-ackwards sodomy law