BlueEar, BookSurge, and the NYU School of Journalism will donate all proceeds from "09/11 8:48 AM; Documenting America's Greatest Tragedy" to the American Red Cross. More impressively, this new paperback collection comes out NEXT WEEK!
Tag: Authored by digittante
All pre-flight checklists should include this captain's reality check.
Everything Auden is new again, including the upcoming Ray Bradbury redux
In a calmer time, Peggy Noonan talked about time, which you should read, if you have the time.
"Auden kept in play the possibility...that there are sorrows even the most well-chosen words can't reach" says Eric McHenry, who may have single-handedly helped us all find context for our current tragedy.
Osama bin Laden meet W.H. Auden. His prescient poem "September 1, 1939" has been making the rounds by email, photocopier and website. Let's hope this meme reborn reminds us of the memories of old so that peace may prevail.
We have fallen through a hole in the flag,
We are falling through a hole in the flag,
No matter the differences between us
Our hearts beats true; for the red, white and blue
For those wishing to contribute more than prayers for the Tuesday's victims in the US, donate online to the Red Cross
There will be many heros born of the tragedy in the US this week. These are the first.
Uncle Dick may simply have needed more time to raid the cookie jar.
It appears a few angry men just drove some planes through this idea.
In 1999, former US Senators Gary Hart and Graham Rudman, writing in a commissioned report on the US preparedness for terrorism, made these recommendations which the Bush administration recently set aside.
They made the list, but we checked it twice, and digittante doesn't make any of these mistakes
Waiting, waiting, and more waiting is what these people have been doing since 1999. Waiting for our demise, WHICH WILL NOT COME. Let them wait more.
The editor of Oyster Boy Review has a bone to pick, but first he must splinter the one in your head