Bored with life? Feeling left out, disenfranchised, socially inept, afraid of strangers and their strangee ways? Unable to find a good job in a rich country like you see on television? Then this book is for you.
Tag: Authored by digittante
We walked from Duane Street to Wall Street and back again, shoes muddy with wet plaster, hearts heavy and heads low.
This is how close St. Paul's Chapel came to ruin, and how close I got to the WTC.
An early indicator of the besieged US Postal System
Using IKONOS satellite photos, mouse over your own before and after comparison of lower Manhattan.
Located just one block from the WTC, St. Paul's Chapel on Fulton and Broadway sheltered hundreds of emergency workers when the Twin Towers collapsed.
"The cemetary at St. Paul's has been extended a couple of acres."
What is it? CONVERGENCE. Add a color screen and broadband access and we just might have the next Killer App this economy needs. CONVERGENCE is coming closer. All hail CONVERGENCE!
History-Eraser-Button pusher Francis Fukuyama reminds us all that "Modernity is a very powerful freight train that will not be derailed by recent events, however painful and unprecedented."
"Paul Eluard got hit by a ham. Rene Char was stabbed in the thigh. Louis Aragon ended up with a split lip." Such were the dangers of Paris in 1930
In times like these, art can reaffirm our existence
"This is why," says David Hockney, "photography is changing and actually moving back towards drawing and painting", the mediums, he's discovered, that photography first revolutionized six-hundred years ago.
Borrowing a phrase from Terry Southern, who once said of Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper, "Neither of them are writers. They can't even write a f***ing letter", this reviewer feels the same about a new Southern biography.
20% of people surveyed by Italian researchers admitted having an "erotic adventure" in a museum, a disorder called Rubens Syndrome.
You may call them aliases, alter egos, pseudonyms or split personalities, but Portuguese novelist Fernando Pessoa's nonexistent coterie had 72 different personas, many of whom were novelists.