WIRED magazine to launch a redesigned layout in June. Will the future still be so bright?
Tag: Authored by digittante
You no longer need to buy ink by the barrel to air your complaints. Just email your friends a PowerPoint presentation.
I know you. You know me. That's how small the world can be. So steer your friends to digittante!
Road. Rage. Test. We scored 17.5%
Moore's Law states that every 18 months, the number of dummies in Umareka doubles.
Bourgeoisophobic? The only cure may be "a creative minority that can rise above prosaic bourgeois life into a realm of contemplation, feeling, art, sensibility, and spiritual grace."
And then there was blog. Finally, blogging gets mainstream coverage.
Is it the Mark of the Beast or an all-in-one EZ-Pass, Starbucks/VISA card, drivers license and YAHOO! cookie?
The WEB dead? So says this nay-sayer: "the Web is not a frontier anymore. It is simply a place." He clearly hasn't been to digittante.
With 6,500 writers graduating each year and "each one an educated, discerning and serious reader of contemporary fiction", we've got our work cut out for us
If September 11 didn't change the world, then does a rise in public panic mean we all just like being scared?
Had Aldous Huxley not been a one-hit wonder, which hit would we wonder over?
Can't wait to see STAR WARS Episode Two this summer? Someone has just seen ATTACK OF THE CLONES and tells all about it.
I once had this idea for a projectable keyboard that could display a touchtone telephone dialpad in the palm of my hand. But someone's beat me to it
Holy Buck Rogers, Batman! This building rocks! Of course, I would have included free inline-skates for all occupants.