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  • Implausible Digital Forensics in TV and Film: A Medley [Enhance!]

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    Awesome Inventory of Phony "digital enhancement" Scenes From Movies >>>

    Pull up the security footage from sector 4B. Unsharp mask. Zoom. Gaussian blur. Undo gaussian blur. Lasso tool. Adjust contrast. Reduce noise. Filter. Zoom. X-Ray. Enhance. Enhance. Enhance. Enhance. [Enhance]

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  • Iraqi insurgents hack US drones with $26 software

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    Glad to See Those Madrassa Schools Are Teaching Solid Tech Skills >>>

    Video feed intercept

    Updated Iraqi militants are intercepting sensitive video feeds from US predator drones using $26 off-the-shelf software, and the same technique leaves feeds from most military aircraft vulnerable to snooping, according to published reports.…

    What is your recession sales strategy?

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  • Giant Mysterious Spiral Takes Over the Skies of Norway [Science]

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    Perhaps Someone Was Beaming Home? >>>

    People are freaking out all over Norway because of what you are seeing here. According to Norwegian news outlets, the spooky giant spiral was seen, photographed, and recorded on video from all over the country. Updated with video

    Could it all be a hoax? Maybe it's a massive joke, but all kinds of Norwegian news sites are reporting on it. According to NKR—Norway's national TV channel—it could be related to a rocket fired from a Russian submarine in the White Sea. The Russians are denying any part on it at this at the moment. Nick Banbury, a witness located at Harstad, described how it all happened:

    We are used to seeing lots of auroras here in Arctic Norway, but on my way to work this morning I saw something completely unexpected. Between 7:50 and 8:00 a.m. local time, there was a strange light in the sky. It consisted initially of a green beam of light similar in colour to the aurora with a mysterious rotating spiral at one end. This spiral then got bigger and bigger until it turned into a huge halo in the sky with the green beam extending down to the earth.

    As hard as it is to believe, you can't dispute the fact that the strange spiral was witnessed and recorded by thousands of people from hundreds of miles away, which means that the phenomenon occurred at a very high altitude. Even Phil Plait from Bad Astronomy agrees that this is real, and says that it was probably a rocket out of control.

    So barring any epic group joke, expect your new alien overlords to arrive at any time now. We can only hope they are all peace-loving voluptuous blondes with blue eyes. [Altaposten, VG, NRK via SpaceWeather via Universe Today—thanks Gonzalo Oxenford]

    If you know Norwegian and have any information, contact me on AIM or by mail.

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  • AutoZone Settlement Agreement Filed With the Court: It's The End To All That

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    If you've watched this incredible software licensing legal saga from the beginning, your response may likely be the same as mine: "Thank heck Darl McBride and the horse he rode in on got sent packing for once and for all..." He's name shall live in infamy for the legal ass-hattery of suing his own customers for using his company's products >>>

    The AutoZone settlement and release agreement has been filed. Or as the song says, it's signed, sealed and delivered:

    12/08/2009 - 119 - STIPULATION of Dismissal (Stipulation and Order of Dismissal With Prejudice As To All Claims) by Plaintiff SCO Group, Inc.. (Pocker, Richard) (Entered: 12/08/2009)

    Here's what that type of agreement and release looks like. As you can see, the release part means that whatever they accused each other of, it's settled and neither can bring it up again or ask for anything associated with that claim to time indefinite, even forever.

    Unless it's SCO, under new management, and they line up some folks who heard talk by the water cooler that they didn't really mean it to mean *forever*. Kidding. It means forever, unless the lawyers goofed and wrote it so badly that some fancy pants lawyer sees an opening twenty years later. So this is The End to AutoZone's nightmare. Yay!

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  • Yahoo Will Divulge Pretty Much Anything for $60 [Security]

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    YAHOO! sells all it nows about you to cops for $60 )))

    On one hand, it's reassuring to know that Yahoo will work with law enforcement to bust criminals, digging through their private messages to get the job done. On the other, $60 is a low price for our privacy.

    (Click on the chart for a bigger version.)

    For $20, Yahoo will give authorities your basic user ID information. For $30-$40, that jumps to the contents of subscriber accounts, including email. And for $60, police basically own the place. Full contents and logs of Yahoo Groups are at their disposal.

    Of course, it's good that Yahoo keeps these prices in check, only charging authorities cost for retrieving records (meaning your taxes pay Yahoo less than they could). Then again, it's flat-out alarming to consider the data trail we all leave, its surprising permanence and the ease with which it can be accessed.

    And if you really want to be freaked out, Cryptome is assembling these lawful spying policies by company. Their list already includes communication providers Cox, SBC, Sprint and AT&T.

    What do you have to use this day and age to be dishonest? Snail mail and walkie talkies? [Cryptome via Slashdot via boingboing]

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