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  • OCD cutting board marked with precise angles and measurements for accurate chopping
    The OCD Chef Cutting Board is screened with fine, precise measurements so that you can cut all your food into perfectly even, perfectly angled chunklets. THE OCD CHEF CUTTING BOARD (via Joshua)  Astronaut-etched cutting board - Boing Boing Combo mousetrap and cheese cutting board Boing Boing Space Invaders cutting board - Boing Boing Boing Boing: Cutting board marked with measurement guides...

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  • Video Curation Is Growing Up, ShortForm Hits One Million Visitors

    With 35 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, the Google-owned video behemoth would be the second largest search engine were it standalone site. Web video has become a powerful medium. But, I think it’s also fair to say that this powerful medium is in serious need of curation. What if you’re just looking for a quick laugh, a short video, and don’t want to wade through billions of videos — what if you want to create your own, personally curated streaming video channel? Hmmm? Thankfully, content curation has come to video: ShortForm shows it’s here to stay.

    The San Francisco-based startup allows users to create personalized channels of web video content, easily pulling clips from YouTube and other video sites. You can play videos back-to-back to create a stream of video, not unlike the TV viewing experience. Creating custom channels is simple, and I would say the UI is more user-friendly (or at least more attractive) than that of YouTube.

    ShortForm curates its own videos, but the real focus is in encouraging its users to become VJs (video jockeys), curating their own channels. And with the recent addition of an embed-able widget, publishers can embed their own video player and curated channel lineups on their site. This means that the channels you create on ShortForm are available anywhere. It’s these kind of additions that pushed the startup past the one million users mark.

    So ShortForm has all these visitors, but how is it going to make money? The startup is planning to place interstitial ads between videos. The Interstitial ads will be in the camp of video promotions that feel more like content and are fun to watch, ShortForm CEO Nader Ghaffari said, and they’ll be targeted based on channel context, so sports channels will get sports related video promotions. The cool part, though, is that even though the interstitial ad model will be rearing its annoying head, the startup plans to share its ad revenue with its VJs. After all, it’s the VJs who create the channels.

    “When it comes to mixing the world’s videos into channels, we want our VJs to have all the tools at their disposal to make VJ-ing channels fun and easy”, Ghaffari told me. “We are integrating with Vimeo in the coming weeks, for example, so our VJs can mix YouTube and Vimeo videos, and soon we’ll be adding new features for VJs to further personalize their channels”.

    ShortForm also has a leaderboard that lets VJs see how their channels are doing relative to other VJs, and viewers can scan it to find channels of interest to subscribe to. ShortForm also plans to provide VJs with more social feedback on their channels, like who has watched, shared, liked, and subscribed, for example, and VJs will be able to add commentary into their channels.

    But, as you are probably readying your comment for the comment section, I should say that ShortForm isn’t the only video curation startup in the game. VodPod lets users share collect and share videos with their friends and allows website publishers to make video channels for their sites. ShortForm differs from its competitors in that it, unlike VodPod, it enables back-to-back streaming, and, unlike Magnify, is focused on the consumer rather than enterprise.

    The startup is also teaming up with CollegeHumor (one of my favorites) this week to launch a best video contest on Facebook, which will allow users to watch and vote for their favorite videos on CollegeHumor. Once a vote has been registered, a leaderboard can be accessed that shows the leading vote-getters. Check it out.

    Information provided by CrunchBase

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  • "The Wire" as a Dickens serial
    It's one of those ideas that sounds less nuts the more you think about it: "The Wire" imagined as a 19th-century serialized novel. After all, David Simon's great multi-season drama had all the muckraking moral outrage of Charles Dickens (Google the reviews and try to count the number of times you see the word "Dickensian"), and its shifting viewpoint over five seasons gave it a similar historical sweep and reportorial authority. The real kick of "When It's Not Your Turn," though, is its obsessive attention to detail. You have to admire the dedication of creators Joy Delyria and Sean Michael Robinson, who seemingly cram every arcane bit of the show's rich mythology into a fake lit-crit essay. The illustrations, ostensibly by Baxter "Bubz" Black, just add to the goofy verisimilitude of the thing. It's a fabulous fraud....

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  • Flipback books: shirtpocket format designed for one-handed reading
    The Dutch publishing industry's "flipback" format sounds clever: it's a sideways-bound book with a lie-flat binding, printed on onionskin, sized to fit in a shirt pocket and optimized for easy one-handed reading. More than a million have been sold in the Netherlands and now it's to be introduced in the UK, France and Spain. It sounds like a handy format, though "Could this new book kill the Kindle?" probably takes the prize for silliest Guardian headline of the year to date. It is all the rage in Holland, where it was introduced in 2009, and has since sold 1m copies. A version has just been launched in Spain, France is next, and the flipback reaches UK shores in June, when Hodder & Stoughton will treat us to a selection of 12 books. They cost £9.99, and will include David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas and Stephen King's Misery. I am keen to see what the hype is about so I take a pre-released copy on my travels: Chris Cleave's The Other Hand. Nearly 370 pages long in its original format, the flipback version has more than 550 - but still fits easily in my pocket. The book's not called The Other Hand for nothing. It's so small that I can perch it in one fist, and keep my other hand free for shopping. How? The paper is wafer-thin. Could this new book kill the Kindle? (via MeFi) (Image: Linda Nylind/Guardian)...

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  • Junkyard Jumbotron: join all your screens into one big one, no software install needed
    Here's a demo of the Junkyard Jumbotron, created by Rick Borovoy at MIT's Center for Future Civic Media. It's a cool app to allow you to gang up multiple screens (phones, tablets, flat panels), running any OS, and turn them into a single, joined display. It's very clever: you arrange the screens as desired and then display a web-page with a QR code on each of them; snap a picture and send it back to the server and the server takes any image you feed it and splits it across the screens. No client-side software needed, apart from a browser. Junkyard Jumbotron (Thanks, Akwhitacre, via Submitterator!)...

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  • Venn diagram illustrates all the different European unions, councils, zones and suchlike
    This handy Venn diagram illustrates the relationship between the Council of Europe, the European Union, Shengen, the Eurozone, the European Economic Area, and the European Trade Association. I had to memorise all this stuff for my "Life in the UK" test when I got my permanent residency permit, and it was actually pretty interesting, especially as compared to some of the other material. All will be aware of the 'Europe' that is a less than homogenous conglomerate of nation states, with an unwieldy Brussels bureaucracy at its centre. This European Union, which consists of 27 member states, is merely the most visible of several European unions, all committed to different versions of the same goal: European integration. The EU is formally committed to strive for 'ever closer union' but its members still disagree on how much more than a free trade zone it wants to be. This continuing struggle for the soul of the EU (if that doesn't sound like too much of an oxymoron) is epitomised by the smaller, green circle contained within the blue EU one. These are the countries of the Eurozone, 17 at present, who've jumped in at the deep end of the sovereignty pool by discarding their own currencies in favour of a single one. 505 - United Diagrams of Europe  The Venn Diagram of cardigans - Boing Boing Nerd vs. Dork vs. Geek: The Venn Diagram - Boing Boing Coffee table looks like a Venn diagram - Boing Boing The mysteries of Venn diagrams - Boing Boing Hilarious Venn diagrams - Boing Boing The Venn Diagram of Social Media - Boing Boing People who touch your junk - Boing Boing Venn diagram tee shows the bittersweet between happy and sad Boing ......

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  • Why Curation Is Important to the Future of Journalism

    Josh Sternberg is the founder of Sternberg Strategic Communications and authors The Sternberg Effect. You can follow him on Twitter and Tumblr.

    Over the past few weeks, many worries about the death of journalism have, well, died. Despite shrinking newsrooms and overworked reporters, journalism is in fact thriving. The art of information gathering, analysis and dissemination has arguably been strengthened over the last several years, and given rise and importance to a new role: the journalistic curator.

    The concept of curating news is not new. One can look to the supply-chain process of a news organization to see that several roles (editor, managing editor, etc.) have curation as a core competency; that is, the organizing of information filed by reporters into a deliverable packages for readers.

    But with the push of social media and advancements in communications technology, the curator has become a journalist by proxy. They are not on the front lines, covering a particular beat or industry, or filing a story themselves, but they are responding to a reader need. With a torrent of content emanating from innumerable sources (blogs, mainstream media, social networks), a vacuum has been created between reporter and reader — or information gatherer and information seeker — where having a trusted human editor to help sort out all this information has become as necessary as those who file the initial report.

    “Curation,” says Sayid Ali, owner of, “gathers all these fragmented pieces of information to one location, allowing people to get access to more specialized content.”

    Curation as an Intermediary

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    Andy Carvin, senior strategist for NPR who runs their social media desk, finds meaning in the word “media.” “It means being in the middle — in this case, between sources and the public. So curating … really isn’t that different than what reporters have always done; it’s just in real time and a hell of a lot more transparent.”

    As Ernie Smith, editor of ShortFormBlog sees it, curators are like tour guides. “Good curators know where to find interesting things because they know the paths and can provide a knowledgeable voice to make things a little easier to parse. A good curator can see a clear direction and show others the way.”

    Curators help navigate readers through the vast ocean of content, and while doing so, create a following based on several factors: trust, taste and tools.

    Building Trust

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    Unlike a reporter who is immersed in a particular industry or beat, a curator often has a day job. Some are in the media industry and have access to their publication’s news sources; others are obsessed with the news and want to provide their network, community or followers with what they think is important. But the common thread between curators is that they are viewed as trustworthy sources of information.

    Torie Rose DeGhett, a staff writer at Current Intelligence, and blogger at The Political Notebook, agrees. “Curation has to be credible. If all I do is use my curation to attack somebody, or if I blatantly try to confuse an issue or make it seem like something it isn’t, that’s wrong on a fundamental level. If I do that, then I can’t be trusted as a source and people should have no reason to take what I do seriously.”

    Building trust is important to validating curation as an evolutionary form of journalism, and many curators believe they should be held to the same standards as journalists.

    Ethical standards and transparency (like citing/crediting sources) are essential in building trust in a curator. DeGhett says, “The point is to share [news items] and lead people to it, not to claim it as your own… [But] my selection of sources is intended to make an argument, and to support certain things, not to present everything that’s out there or every side.”

    Carvin’s transparency is a great template for curators. “I publicly describe my Twitter feed as a one-man newsgathering operation that’s open to the world for viewing.” He relies on people to feed him information, which he retweets to his followers and lets them “help me figure it out by translating, adding context, finding independent sources, etc.”

    However, some curators believe that since they are not journalists creating content, journalistic standards don’t necessarily have to apply.

    The market researcher, curator and blogger who goes by the name “Kateoplis” says since “there’s virtually no editorial content attached to the articles we promote,” curating information doesn’t have to be held to the same standards as reporting. She continues, “We simply highlight the most valuable posts.” She does, however, believe there should be ethical guidelines to help curators, and in her role as an editor of the Tumblr news section, she provided their guidelines.

    Smith thinks “that curators should have more freedoms than traditional reporters in a couple senses, in that part of the appeal of good curation is that it carries the person’s footprint. Opinion isn’t really a bad thing, and in fact gives the content shape in this context.” When considering reporting standards, he continues, “the important part is 1) That it’s consistent, and 2) That it’s accurate. You have to do a little more direct listening to readers as a curator, because in a lot of ways, they are your sources.”

    Determining What’s Newsworthy

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    When a reporter covers a beat, they come up with story ideas via different methods — something in the industry that interests them, seeing a news hook another reporter may have alluded to (or missed), suggestions from their editor, and story ideas from a public relations team. And more often than not, reporters stay within the confines of their beat. Curators don’t have to.

    Curators aggregate and reblog content they find interesting, or think their readers will find interesting. Curators also seem to fall into one of two categories: Aggregation and reblogging content without any editorializing, or providing additional thoughts as part of their reblog, retweet, etc.

    The blogger behind PantslessProgressive determines what’s worthy of reblogging by “finding out what others are saying about that source, by observing who they interact with, and by the frequency and depth of their activity.”

    DeGhett reblogs “if it provides information that I think is really important to know or have awareness of — something about veteran’s issues, gay rights, transgender awareness, etc.” She’ll reblog if an article makes a great point or “brings up a great fact I think everyone should know.”

    Even though curators share certain characteristics of editors, they don’t enjoy the exact same role. When a curator gathers information for their community, the content is something they are passionate about. Reporters, as we’re taught, are not supposed to be passionate and interject opinion into their story.

    What’s Next For Curation?

    As journalism continues to evolve and adapt to advances in technology and the influence of social media, the role of the curator will continue to grow. Trusted curators, standards and better tools to filter content will be two things to watch over the coming months and years. Additionally, creating a work force of curators — whether freelancers or paid staff members — will help curation grow. Many news organizations, for example, are on Tumblr acting as curators, reblogging not only their publication’s content, but also other news sources that are relevant to their audience.

    As Anthony DeRosa, proposition leader at Reuters says, “We all have access to pretty much the same information sources, aside from the investigation and journalism that people at news agencies perform. There’s enough out there for someone who simply wants to be a helpful guide, to plant their flag and be a good resource for whatever it is they’re interested in. You can use RSS, Twitter, Storify, Storyful and any number of other tools to stay on top of what is happening and be a human filter for what I should be looking at.”

    More Digital Journalism Resources from Mashable:

    - Facebook’s Growing Role in Social Journalism
    - 10 Predictions for the News Media in 2011
    - The Future of Social Media in Journalism
    - The History of Content, From Cave Paintings to Flipboard [INFOGRAPHIC]

    Image courtesy of Flickr, B_Zedan

    More About: blogger, curation, curator, journalism, Journalist, media, News, social media

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  • Desktop Farming: 10 Gadgets for Growing a Cubicle Garden

    A bit of foliage can make all the difference to a workplace, bringing a little bit of nature indoors in all its green and air-purifying glory.

    If you’re stuck in a cubicle, or behind a desk, then we’ve got 10 excellent gadgets, gizmos and other solutions that will see you enjoying the pleasures of desktop gardening in no time at all.

    If you like the idea of introducing a bit of the natural world to your workstation, have a look at the gallery below and let us know which options get your green fingers twitching.

    1. Desktop Plant Light

    Desktop Plant Light

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    Is your desk in the deepest, darkest bowels of a building? Then this lamp will replicate sunlight so you can keep a potted plant (and yourself) happy.

    Cost: $49.99

    2. HydroDome DIY Hydroponics Kit

    HydroDome DIY Hydroponics Kit" src=""/>

    This kit will let you create your own hydroponic garden right on your desk. Lettuce seeds are included, but you can grow any plant you like in its nutrient solution.

    Cost: $29.99

    3. USB Greenhouse

    USB Greenhouse" src=""/>

    Another light-giving solution for those in sunshine-free workplaces, this "USB greenhouse" will also remind you when to water your new plant buddy.

    Cost: $43

    4. Andrea Air Purifier

    Andrea Air Purifier " src=""/>

    This plant will earn its place in your office since it doubles as an air purifier. It absorbs toxic gases thanks to the natural, absorptive properties of the plant.

    Cost: $199

    5. USB Flower Pot

    USB Flower Pot" src=""/>

    If you've not had much success with keeping potted plants alive, this USB flower pot might be the answer. The bundled software will remind you to care for the plant at timely intervals via the LED lights on the pot's base.

    Cost: $20

    6. Uncle Milton Hydro Greenhouse 2

    Uncle Milton Hydro Greenhouse 2" src=""/>

    Actually aimed at children as an educational toy, we think this mini greenhouse kit is ideal for desktop gardening projects. It comes complete with all you need to start growing, including cute, small-scale tools.

    Cost: $29.99

    7. Grow Your Own Aloe Kit

    Grow Your Own Aloe Kit " src=""/>

    Aloe Vera grows fast and is hard to kill, making it the perfect desktop plant for gardening newbies.

    Cost: $14.99

    8. AeroGarden

    AeroGarden" src=""/>

    Ideal for anyone who likes gadgetry, the AeroGarden is a serious bit of indoor gardening kit. This coffee-maker sized device is fully automated and comes with everything you need to start growing. As an added bonus, it's also available in a range of contemporary colors.

    Cost: From $59.95

    9. Plantariums

    Plantariums" src=""/>

    These science-tastic test tube-style containers are filled with a NASA-approved nutritive gel, letting you can see the germination process happening right in front of your eyes. There's a choice of "flavors," so to speak, with basil, busy Lizzie, carnation, sunflower and tomato seeds available.

    Cost: $11 each

    10. Click & Grow

    Click & Grow" src=""/>

    The coming-soon Click & Grow plant pots are due to be available in April, 2011. They offer a futuristic, maintenance-free indoor garden, totally automating the plant-care process. Starter kits will include a Busy Lizzy plant and everything else you need to get growing.

    Cost: 59 euros (approx $82)

    More Tech Resources from Mashable:

    - Especially For You: 8 Great Gadgets You Can Personalize
    - 10 Cool and Unusual Laptop Sleeves [PICS]
    - Top 10 Accessories for Typography Nuts [PICS]
    - Build It Yourself: 8 Fun Electronics Kits Under $100
    - 5 Must-Have Geek Collectibles

    More About: eco gadgets, gadgets, gallery, gardening, gardening gadgets, green, green gadgets, List, Lists, office gadgets, tech, trending

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  • U.S. scientist suggests life on Earth began in space
    In what’s being called a groundbreaking paper that could ignite more debate over the creation of life, an award-winning NASA scientist is suggesting that we are not alone in the universe — and, in fact, life on Earth may have come from somewhere out of this world.

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