Imagine if sold news, not books
Category: Authored by digittante
Impenetrable sales and marketing gobbledeegook or savant-speak?
A cubic foot of pennies for your thoughts?
Would you pay £17.99 to read about how these narcissists spent $120,000,000 in 1 year?
Just yesterday, my house was buzzing with microscopic black helicopters
Texas enforces plain bass-ackwards sodomy law
Republican/Taliban attacking another non-issue
Hallelujah fellow brother's of the grain
The future is near
Veni, vidi, modi: I came, I saw, i-mode
Should I stop before I start, then?
I'm just Wilde about posing
Never read Tolstoy too
Chomsky still chomping at the bit
Are gays no longer the movement of the moment?