Time on your side? Your thoughts perhaps ponder the effects of time on your loved ones, their bodies, or perhaps just the earth?
Category: Authored by digittante
It's not just self-expression, it's Hiptop Nation
We're currently digging hip-hop's best new album like it's "1993 feet high and rising" all over again.
An interesting use of someone's time, but for what, we won't guess.
Having his own day in court Mr. Chrysler, if that's his real name, plays Dr. Seuss with a very proper British barrister.
Too hectic your life for art? Waiting for the right conditions? Nonsense, everyone can take the time to write
Imagine a clock that shows you a different photo of a different person in a different place for every minute of the day
Now THIS is not only a super clever idea, but one that would alleviate our reliance upon oil.
Contrary to the latest fad in the New York City subway system, I've always believed elevators are the best place to meet people.
After I made sure there was nothing to watch on every television channel, twice, Ann Patchett's column "Why Not Put Off Till Tomorrow the Novel You Could Begin Today?" helped me procrastinate on my next novel, too.
In the London Review of Books, Andrew O'Hagan not only tells you How to Survive Your Own Stupidity but he reveals that Homer Simpson learned his comedy from Laurel and Hardy.
Allen Barra wonders if "any writer with such a small oeuvre influenced American culture more than Raymond Chandler?"
The paintings of Chesley Bonestell "have often been mistaken for actual colour photographs by those slightly unacquainted with the present status of interplanetary flight" according to Arthur C. Clarke.
The Washinton Post erroneously reports crop circles "all began in the late 1970s." According to my circle making friends it's been going on around the globe for at least 300 years.
You might think words fly all around you, but what if they really did?