Like, yippee. Blogging’s gone so mainstream there’s now a Seattle-based conference about it. Really. Hoping to go. “This event will show you how your business can leverage current real-world blogging techniques, tools and platforms to promote and enhance your ventures.â€
Category: Authored by digittante
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I finally have some small news to report
Popular Mechanix for Nerds
You've bought all the new shiny gadgets, you bought the accessories. And come next January, you can buy O'Reilly's new publication MAKE: and learn how to mod your gear and make new stuff with it. DIY steadicams from soda bottles, digital pictures taken from a kite and more. Or, you could visit the Tinker Master himself, Phillip Torrone. War-kayaking anyone?
When Did Bono Became Bobcat Goldthwait?
Have we become so consumed by the "Micheal Jackson turned into the Scarecrow he played in the Wiz" news that we completely missed this? The Seattle Post-Intelligencer has discovered U2 frontman Bono morphed into the shaggy-haired, grizzle-faced comic-howler Bobcat Goldthwait.
Kiki & Herb: One Tranny’s Trash is Everyone’s Treasure
'This could go on for 10 minutes or three hours,' warns Kiki Durain (Justin Bond) during the opening number of Friday night's Kiki & Herb show at On the Boards. For two acts and two encores this gorgeous road-weary performer and Herb (Kenny Melman) her 'trendy gay jew-tard' sidekick sing, belt, scream, wail, and seduce their way through a wide range of standards and 80's alterna-pop covers.
There's Kiki front and center, slurring like Joan Rivers while telling the audience about her good friend Princess Grace driving her car off a Monaco cliff out of boredom. There's Kiki by the piano, vamping through Tom Jones' Sex Bomb. There she is crawling from table top to table top demanding the audience 'lick my leg!'. There's Kiki reclining in the chair, asking the doctor performing her episiotomy for 'an extra stitch for Yasaweh,' the tender husband of her daughter Coco. Behind the piano, we see Herb, cheerfully raising his eyebrow and his glass at all her jokes. By the end of the first Act, there's Kiki passed out on the stage while Herb yells back at the hooting and hollering audience 'you should have killed her when you had the chance!'"
Index of Media Coverage of the Central Library
The Central Library's own blog of media coverage from around the world.
Mourning Ronald Reagan
Does anyone find it in poor taste that so many media outlets chose to title their coverage of the death of the former President, long-suffering from Alzheimers, with various forms of "Remembering Reagan"?
Cable News User Concerned About Cable News
Critical analysis of the ever-pervasive US Cable News media. Only one think held me back from doing this in 1998: my day job.
Losers Who Just Can’t Stop Blogging
Katie Hafner explores the very serious problem of men who blog too much.
The Seattle Central Library
Find out opening times, search the collection on-line, and see pictures of Seattle's new gemof a library.
Friends Invent Best Seller From Renaissance Tale
Dinitia Smith writing about two boy-hood buddies from Princeton and Harvard whose new novel "The Rule of Four" (Dial Press)fabricates a solution to the mystery of the "The Hypnerotomachia Poliphili", published in 1499.
Get Your War On: #35
Two viewers at home discuss the June 30th handover of Iraqi soveriegnity, during which "a marching band will stomp around in a circle while Ahmed Chalabi pouts..."
There's something eerily post-modern and beautiful about watching a car burn in the desert.
Europe's Anti-Americanism is focused like a speeding hockey puck, not on us but on you-know-who says Eric Alterman in The Nation.
Nothing but Troubling News From the World of Publishing says this article from the New York Times.