- Daniel Radcliffe Geeks Out, Bites My Steez
If you've ever hung out with me past the third gin and tonic, you know that I only have one party trick: I know all the words to Tom Lehrer's The Elements song. (My dad taught it to me in fourth grade so I could perform it at the Camp Orkila talent show. I learned the song but was too shy to do the show. Ha!) If you've ever hung out with me past the sixth gin and tonic, you know that I FANCY MYSELF A WIZARD. I love any stupid shit that involves wands and cauldrons and quests and women who sometimes turn into cats or whatever.
So that's why I feel like this adorable clip—of Harry Potter (NOTED WIZARD!) singing The Elements—was basically uploaded to YouTube directly from my brain's uterus:
Via Movieline via tippers Clinton & Bryan.
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