- Inadvertent Tetris in everyday life
"Tetris Tetris everywhere" is a Flickr set by L-Plate Big Cheese, documenting everyday objects that appear to be caught in the midst of a heavy round of tetrising.(via Kottke)
(Image: Tetris Billboard | Vietnam, a Creative Commons Attribution (2.0) image from jesuspresley's photostream)
- First-person Tetris: the whole screen rotates with the block Boing ...
- High-resolution Tetris
- Hi-rez Tetris after two weeks -
- 3D Tetris in Flash - Boing Boing
- Homemade Tetris blanket Boing Boing
- Help a gamer find an elusive Tetris knockoff. - Boing Boing
- Hatetris: the meanest Tetris clone you've ever played - Boing Boing
- Tuper Tario Tros: Super Mario meets Tetris Boing Boing
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