- AutoZone Settlement Agreement Filed With the Court: It's The End To All That
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If you've watched this incredible software licensing legal saga from the beginning, your response may likely be the same as mine: "Thank heck Darl McBride and the horse he rode in on got sent packing for once and for all..." He's name shall live in infamy for the legal ass-hattery of suing his own customers for using his company's products >>>The AutoZone settlement and release agreement has been filed. Or as the song says, it's signed, sealed and delivered:
12/08/2009 - 119 - STIPULATION of Dismissal (Stipulation and Order of Dismissal With Prejudice As To All Claims) by Plaintiff SCO Group, Inc.. (Pocker, Richard) (Entered: 12/08/2009)
Here's what that type of agreement and release looks like. As you can see, the release part means that whatever they accused each other of, it's settled and neither can bring it up again or ask for anything associated with that claim to time indefinite, even forever.
Unless it's SCO, under new management, and they line up some folks who heard talk by the water cooler that they didn't really mean it to mean *forever*. Kidding. It means forever, unless the lawyers goofed and wrote it so badly that some fancy pants lawyer sees an opening twenty years later. So this is The End to AutoZone's nightmare. Yay!
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