Dubya's gub'mint is looking over your shoulder. Whatchya reading?
Month: February 2002
Uncertain of Werner Heisenberg? Newly released Niels Bohr letters reveal more about their World War II Copenhagen conversation.
"Why the sudden creative silence, and then that other silence, the one that landed him in jail?" Margaret Atwood explores the mysteries of Dashiell Hammet.
Have you noticed how "the sense of relaxation ends when the [TV] set is turned off, but the feelings of passivity and lowered alertness continue"? Researchers explore why watching begets more watching.
Can't cry at art? Helen McLean reviews "Pictures and Tears", the new James Elkins book that "lists ways of improving our habits of looking at art. Go to museums alone...Don't try to see everything. Minimize distractions. Take your time. Pay full attention. If a picture affects you deeply, go back and visit it again." The same works with digittante.
Is it truly food for thought when, "Every dish was explicated and annotated, with commentary sometimes running to a full paragraph"? William Grimes laments the rise of the erudite waiter.